Reaching for Jesus

Corporate worship reduces who we are and elevates Jesus as the king of everything.

Sunday Mornings

10:30 AM

You are invited to worship with us! At Crosspoint we are pursuing Jesus with everything we’ve got, and bringing along others to experience the journey with us. Weekly in-person worship is essential for our relationship with God. During our worship service, we will sing a blend of contemporary and traditional music, participate in giving tithes/offerings, receive communion, and hear a Biblically-based sermon. All of the worship service elements are designed to amplify our praise to God and present ourselves to God to be rejuvenated by his Holy Spirit.

The 10:30 service features Crosspoint Kids (nursery-5th grade), and an online live stream.

10:30 am En español

¡Nuestro servicio En Español es perfecto para hablantes nativos de español! El servicio en español incluye un servicio de adoración para adultos en español fluido, Crosspoint Kids (guardería-5th). En Español se encuentra en la capilla.